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Star Quest Mastery

Ronna Vezane

Through many succeding cycles of time, as Ray after Ray provided The Pathway for the descent of new Spirits, Lord Michael has remained as the Guardian Overlord of the Angelic Host, the Elemental Kingdom and Humanity. He shall not fold his Cosmic Wings about him to return home until the final Angelic Being is frees, the last man is redeemed and the last Elemental returned to it's perfect state. This is the love of Lord Michael, who like many others, is a Prisoner of Love to the life he serves.

Star Quest Mastery

Dearest friends, if you feel our mission is in alignment with helping humanity evolve into a higher state of awareness, we would greatly appreciate your support so we may continue elevating the consciousness of the planet with your offerings of love. Infinite Angel Blessings!

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129 Langston Street
Hot Springs, Ar 71901

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